Warts are unsightly and irritating skin growths, but non-cancerous in nature. Highly contagious by direct or indirect contact, they emerge when a virus infects the skin. Our team of Board Certified Dermatologists at Greenwich Point Dermatology in Greenwich, CT, can diagnose and treat warts to prevent further spread of the virus.
What are the different types of warts?
There are several different types of warts, all of which result from the human papillomavirus, but that manifest differently in appearance and location.
- Commonwarts, also called verruca vulgaris, present as rough bumps on the fingers, nails, and hands. The blood vessels that feed these warts often look like black dots.
- Foot warts, also known as verruca plantaris or plantar warts, appear on the soles of the feet as flat lesions that may grow inward due to pressure on the foot. Sometimes painful, they can have black dots and grow in clusters.
- Flatwarts, or verruca plana, are smaller and smoother than other warts and can occur anywhere on the body, but frequently on men’s beards, women’s legs, and children’s faces.
- Filiform warts, also called verruca filiformis, often appear on the face of immunocompromised people and resemble long threads or fingers that protrude from the surface of the face.
What are my treatment options for warts?
After Dr. Dolder confirms your wart diagnosis, she will recommend a variety of treatment options depending on the type of wart and location.
Common treatment options for warts include:
- cryotherapy
- topicalcantharidin
- electrosurgery
- excision
To learn more about your treatment options for warts, schedule an appointment with Greenwich Point Dermatology today, either by clicking here or emailing info@greenwichpointderm.com.